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Google Trends is a fun new toy: search for a term, and it gives you a graph of that term's popularity over the past 2 years. It also gives you a listing of the top geographical origins for that search. 

You can also combine several terms to see how they compare.  To demonstrate, here's a visualization of the ongoing battle between "Rock" and "Music".

You'll notice that Rock crushes Music as easily as it crushes scissors.  Also, this combination ranks Minneapolis in the top 10 cities worldwide, a result for which readers are no doubt responsible.

[EDIT] As Brian points out, the graph demonstrates Rock getting thoroughly walloped by Music.  Not only that, but Minneapolis has been knocked off the Top-10 list.  Something here is not my strong suit: accuracy? timeliness?  In any case, I'm led to believe that Google Trends exists only to mock me.
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